Meaning: An anecdote is a short and interesting story taken from a person's past experience - or that of someone they know or have heard about.
Example: Essay that asks a writer to persuade the readers that homeless people suffer and need help.
Person gives a story about his past friend in order to persuade the readers to understand that homeless people suffer and need help.
'I know that many of you think the homeless are a lost cause and that they are lazy good for nothings. Well, of course, that might be true for some of them, but let me tell you about Dave. I went to school with Dave for three years until Year 11. It was just before our exams when Dave's mum and dad hit problems - big-time! From there on in life began to fall apart for Dave. He just wasn't able to cope. By the time he was eighteen, when I was sitting for my A-levels, Dave was on the streets...'
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