Tuesday, July 26, 2011

MBM Ch. 1

It's hard to believe the level of submersion Haiti is in terms of it's problems.
"Open sewers and ragged clothing and the looks on the faces of malnourished children...elderly beggars plaintively saying 'Gangou' (hungry)"
But as the quote in the beginning of the book written by T.S Elliot shifts from a tone of pessimism to hope, I look forward to reading the book especially after learning Dr. Paul Farmer's character and mission. My first assumption of this man, who I was only 'introduced' through yesterday through his essay-article on Haiti, was he was yet another presumptuous doctor doing a medical mission in Haiti for his own sake and purposes. I couldn't have been more wrong about this man. In the first chapter alone, he is described as man who is assertive, optimistic and making it his life's fulfillment to cradle Haiti and all it's 150,000 people back to health. It's refreshing knowing that Dr. Farmer keeps a positive outlook even when with dealing with what seems foolishly impossible. 

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