Wednesday, August 3, 2011

reflection ch5

In this chapter, I learned a lot about Farmer's childhood. I never really heard of War and Peace, but I watched the Lord of the Rings series many times and loved it when I was younger, like Paul Farmer, also known as P. J. in his younger days. His family calls his dad the Warden and he really wants a boat and he has a trashed one called the Lady Gin. They like to go fishing and Farmer had a healthy life when he was a kid, unlike me staying in my room all day doing homework, video games and sleep. His dad died by the time he got into medical school so it was pretty rough on him and maybe it could of been one of the reasons why he became so passionate and inspired.


  1. That was a nice summary of what happened in chapter 5.

  2. It is interesting how you can relate to some reference that was mentioned on the book.
