Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MBM: Sacrifices to make a Difference

Today in class we discussed how Tracey Kidder, author of Mountains Beyond Mountains, tells the audience that in order to make a difference in the world, you have to make huge sacrifices. He has displayed this continuously through the actions of Dr. Paul Farmer, and I doubt that anyone can deny both the doctor's or author's statement. And although there has been considerable efforts to help for such charitable causes, if one really wishes to seek change then he or she must do everything in their power to do so. For example, Dr. Paul Farmer has practically given up his entire life in order to tend to those in Haiti who cannot even afford a slice of bread. He intently donates his salary, and time to help those less fortunate. In order to make an impacted change, an individual must give up his own time and devotion towards a certain goal, especially when trying to cure a whole country from disease and poverty.

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